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Dharma Cave and Pagoda Forest

Visit the place where

Shaolin Kung Fu began.

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The Pagoda Forest at Shaolin Temple, is the sacred burial site for Abbotts of the Shaolin Temple since 791 AD and is one of the largest and best preserved sites  in China.

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Looking up from the grounds of the Pagoda Forest, atop Wuru Peak, sits a huge white marble statue of Bodhidharma, marking the place where he meditated for nine years and founded Chan (Zen) Buddhism. Outside the cave, the stone arch erected in 1604 is inscribed with the characters “Mo Xuan Chu” (the Place of Silent Mystery). According to Chinese legend, Bodhidharma, began the physical training of the monks of the Shaolin Monastery that led to the creation of

Shaolin kung fu.

    Individuals that choose the trek to the Dharma Cave should be in good health and prepared for strenuous activity.

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